State News
New Mexico’s Public Employee Retirement Funds Move Closer to Being Fully Funded
The latest numbers from the state’s two big public retirement funds, covering public employees and educational employees, show that both accounts have made gains over the last few years. Read more
MassPRIM Committee Drops 'ESG' in Favor of Stewardship, Sustainability
Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management's board voted Nov. 30 to change the name of the $95.2 billion Boston-based state pension fund's ESG Committee to the Stewardship and Sustainability Committee. Read more
LACERA's CIO, Staff Get Delegated Authority to Hire, Fire Managers
Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association, Pasadena, Calif., revised its investment policy to delegate manager selection and termination to its CIO and investment staff. Read more
Public Pension Funding Improvements on Display in West Virginia
West Virginia has been one of the most impressive states in turning around pension funding, reducing debt by 90% in recent decades through positive amortization, policy revision and supplemental funding, according to a report from The Pew Charitable Trusts. Read more
Anti-ESG Claim Faces First Legal Test in New York
A New York court may be the first to consider a legal claim leveled by critics of investment managers who account for climate risk. The case — and the theory that asset managers breached their fiduciary duties by including climate-related risks when assessing the financial liability of energy companies — “could open up a floodgate of litigation,” said Robert Skinner, a partner at Ropes & Gray. But the New York lawsuit — if successful — could unlock a new legal claim for critics of ESG investing. Read more
Rhode Island Retirees Want Union Leader Off Pension Study Group
Retirees clamoring for the reinstatement of their annual COLAs are seeking the removal of top-ranked union leader Patrick Crowley from a new pension study group. Their calls for his removal came in response to Crowley's acknowledgment that, as the political director for the state's largest teachers' union and the No. 2 in the Rhode Island AFL-CIO, his priority is current-day workers. Read more
New York State Common Earmarks $1.9B in September Investments
The New York State Common Retirement Fund committed nearly $1.9 billion in investment allocations to external managers in September, more than half of which was earmarked for its credit portfolio. Read more
North Carolina Taxpayers Could Be Liable For Billions If Lawmakers Fail To Remedy Provisions Of The ’24 Budget
North Carolina has a long track record for managing one of the best public pension plans in the U.S. But the financial stability of the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System (TSERS) and State Health Plan could take a dramatic turn for the worse if the legislature doesn’t quickly take action to remedy a provision in the recently enacted $30 billion state budget. Read more